Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Carole Knibbe and Guillaume Beslon: respectively scientific chair and local chair of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL), Lyon, September 2017 (https://project.inria.fr/ecal2017/).

  • Eric Tannier: main organizer (Organizing and Scientific chair) of the SMBE Regional meeting on interdisciplinary approaches for molecular evolution in Lyon in November 2017

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Hugues Berry: Co-organizer of the workshop “Dynamiques des molecules et assemblages moleculaires”, Montpellier, France (Dec 2017).

  • Guillaume Beslon:

    • LyonSysBio conference, Lyon, November 2017

    • AIEM2017 (Approches Interdisciplinaire de l'Evolution Moléculaire), Lyon, November 2017.

    • ALPHY 2017 (Alignement et Phylogénie) workshop, Lyon, January 2017.

  • Carole Knibbe: member of the organizing committee of the Scientific Day on "Modelling living systems" of the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Université Lyon 1.

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Christophe Rigotti was a member of the program committee of the 33rd ACM Symposium On Applied Computing.

  • Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas was a member of the program comittee of ECAL 2017

  • Eric Tannier was a member of the program committee of RECOMB-Comparative Genomics 2017 and is a member of the program committee of ISMB 2018.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Hugues Berry: Guest Editor for PLoS Computational Biology (2 articles edited in 2017)

  • Eric Tannier is an editor of "Peer Community in Evolutionary biology", a peer-reviewing system alternative to publications in journals

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Hugues Berry: Scientific reports, eLife, Frontiers Cellular Neuroscience, PLoS Computational Biology, PLoS One, Journal Theoretical Biology, Biophysical Journal

  • Guillaume Beslon: Journals Proceedings of Royal Society B, Entropy and Neural Computing and Applications.

  • Christophe Rigotti: IEEE Access

  • Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas: IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing

  • Eric Tannier: Information Processing Letters, PeerJ, Plos One, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, BMC Genomics

Invited Talks

  • Hugues Berry gave invited talks at:

    • EJCIM (Ecole des Jeunes Chercheurs et Chercheuses en Informatique Mathematique) 2017, Jan. 2017, Lyon

    • Models of Life, College de France, Paris, Jan. 2017

    • Cosyne Workshop on Astrocyte-neuron interactions, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Feb. 2017

    • Imaging the cell, Rennes, France, June 2017

    • Dynamiques des molecules et assemblages moleculaires, Montpellier, France, Dec. 2017

    • You Carreer Day, I2BC, Saclay France, Dec. 2017

    and invited seminars at

    • Institut de Mathematiques de Marseille, Jan 2017

    • Institut du Fer a Moulin, Paris, March 2017

  • Guillaume Beslon gave invited seminars at:

    • Séminaire de Modélisation du Vivant (SeMoVi), Lyon, May 2017

    • Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique (IBPC), Paris, June 2017

    • Journées scientifiques Inria, Nice, June 2017

  • Carole Knibbe was an invited speaker at the Systems Biology Meeting of Sorbonne Université on December 1st, 2017.

  • Christophe Rigotti gave an invited seminar at the Centre spatial universitaire de Grenoble (CSUG):"Recherche d'évolutions par fouille de données multi-temporelles satellitaires et photographiques", September 2017.

  • Eric Tannier gave an invited talk at the conference “Tour de sciences" Lyon, 2017 and an invited seminar at Trinity College, Dublin, Feb. 2017.

Scientific Expertise

  • Hugues Berry was a reviewer for the call for proposal CARREER of the NSF, USA and for the Research Projects call of the FNRS, Belgium

  • Guillaume Beslon

    • Member of a Comité d'Evaluation Scientifique (CES) at the ANR

    • Member of the HCERES evaluation committee for the Unité Mixte Internationale UMMISCO.

  • Christophe Rigotti was an expert/reviewer for the challenge "Univers" organized by Imaginove, Cluster Montagne and Indura.

  • Eric Tannier was an evaluator (committee bioinformatics) for the Fonds de recherche du Quebec, 2107.

Research Administration

  • Hugues Berry:

    • Vice-Chair of Inria's Evaluation committee (2016-2018)

    • Vice-Chair of the Search Committee for “Inria Senior Research Scientists” (Jury d'admissibilité DR2 2017).

    • Member of the “Commission des thèses” of the Doctoral School “Info-Maths” (ED 512), Lyon.

    • Member of the Steering Commitee of GdR IMaBIO (Imagerie et Microscopie pour la BIOlogie)

    • Representative for Inria on the Administrative Board of the RNSC (“Réseau National des Systèmes Complexes”)

    • Facilitator (with R. Guillemaud, CEA/Leti) of the “Groupe de Travail CEA/Leti-Inria on Numerical Health”.

  • Guillaume Beslon is a member of the Commission Scientifique Sectorielle (CSS) 5 (Science des Données et des Modèles) at IRD

  • Carole Knibbe:

    • Member of the Laboratory Council, LIRIS, UMR 5205 CNRS (until August 2017)

    • Member of the Technological Grants Committee (CDT) of Inria Grenoble-Rhone Alpes

    • Member of the Doctoral Studies Committee of Inria Grenoble-Rhone Alpes.

  • Christophe Rigotti is an elected member of Insa Scientific board (Conseil scientifique)

  • Eric Tannier:

    • elected member of the administration council of Inria (2015-2018)

    • member of the scientific committee of the ethics platform of University of Lyon (2017-)

    • scientific referent for the conference committee of Inria (2014-)